Thursday, August 8, 2019

Application of Nursing Theory Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Application of Nursing Theory - Assignment Example As a result, nurses often turn to nursing theory in order to make sure that they are able to help the patient in the best possible way. Part II: The Problem Nursing theory and Rehabilitation Around the world, the issue of rehabilitation is becoming a very big issue which many nursing centres have to deal with. The number of individuals who need to be rehabilitated every year is increasing every year. And so has the severity of the cases because people are now indulging more deeply in harmful drugs and alcohol. Rehabilitation is becoming an issue and many nursing professionals working in rehabilitation centres are finding it harder to be able to treat the individuals (Strong, 2013). As a result, there is an increasing need for all the stake holders to come together and develop a solution. In the United States, the problem of ineffective rehabilitation is being blamed on so many stakeholders including the following; Policy makers have been accused of making ineffective and irreverent h ealthcare policies which make it harder for rehabilitation of addicts to be effective. Policy makers are accused of failing to recognize addiction as a healthcare problem and therefore this offers very little government help for addicts, thus leaving them to have to pay the expensive costs of rehabilitation which are in often cases prohibitive and thus always leads to the patient relapsing to their vices. Justice system is also accused of failing to recognize addicts as patients and in most cases sends them to prison instead to rehabilitation centres. For instance, most addicts who are arrested with drugs are sentenced to prison terms where they end up using these drugs even more because they are readily available in the prison environment. However, it is the nursing professionals in the rehabilitation centres who end up getting the largest blame especially when they are not able to rehabilitate individuals who are struggling with addiction (Strong, 2013). Needless to say, there nee ds an overhauling of the rehabilitation process in order to help the individuals who find themselves in this deadly health problem to be able to live life again. While the policy makers and the justice system have their shares to do, the nurses should use the available resources in order to be able to help these patients and give their lives back to them. To be able to solve this issue, it will be necessary to be able to come up with ways to handle as many rehabilitation patients as possible within the limited resources available for nurses. The nurses will need to know how to deal with the patients and help them to overcome their issues without failing. Part III: Using Nursing theory to address the problem Self-care deficit nursing theory (Orem B Model of Nursing) The self-care deficit nursing theory was developed by Dorothea Orem between 1959 and 2001 and is postulated upon the argument that patients are more likely to get their health back if they are allowed to participate in th eir own healthcare. This theory is important in the treatment of rehabilitation patients due to the very nature of these patients. More than any other type of patients, a rehabilitation patient needs to relearn how to depend on himself and become self efficacious. Failing to restore this ability in the patient will also mean that the patient will relapse back to their old habit (Johnson & Roberson, 2012). Unlike most healthcare issues that nurses

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